Baltimore County Genealogical Society

Books are now 10% off and Book Sets are 20% off as of 22 May 2016.

[___] Mt. Carmel Cemetery Records: 1854-1882 at $21.50 NOW $19.35. BOOK I
[___] Mt. Carmel Cemetery Records: 1883-1893 at $34.00 NOW $30.60. BOOK II
[___] Mt. Carmel Cemetery Records: 1893-1905 at $32.00 NOW $28.80. BOOK III
[___] Mt. Carmel Cemetery Annex Records: 1894-1970 at $23.00 NOW $20.70. BOOK IV
[___] Mt. Carmel Cemetery Records: 1905-1936 at $37.00 NOW $33.30. BOOK V
[___] Mt. Carmel Cemetery Records Set (5 Books) 20% OFF $147.50 NOW $118.00
[___] Western Cemetery Records Prior to 1874 $21.50 NOW $19.35
[___] Western Cemetery Records: 1874-1892 $28.50 NOW $25.65
[___] Western Cemetery Records: 1893-1903 $26.00 NOW $23.40
[___] Western Cemetery Records:1904-1923 $32.50 NOW $29.25
[___] Western Cemetery Records Set (4 books): 20% OFF $108.50 NOW $86.80
[___] Tombstone Inscriptions of Holy Rosary Church Cemetery at $25.00 NOW $22.50.
[___] Tombstone Inscriptions of St. James Protestant Episcopal Church at $10.00 NOW $9.00
[___] Tombstone Inscriptions of St. Stanislaus Cemetery at $33.00 NOW $30.00
[___] Index to Baltimore County Wills 1851-1919 at $16.00 NOW $14.40
Heirs and Orphans of Baltimore City and County, Maryland, 1825 – 1904 Abstracted from Annual Valuations $13.00 NOW $11.70.

Rates effective as of 05 JULY 2024
Price shown is per copy. Add shipping of $6.00 per book (US Media Mail rate) for first item; each additional item will be $2.00. Maryland residents add 6% sales tax.

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