S P R I N G   S E M I N A R
Saturday, April 29
8 am – 1 pm

S O L D   O U T

This Seminar is SOLD OUT

We will not be taking any further registrations


  1. Baltimore: The Golden Door for Immigrants by Debra Hoffman
    Baltimore was a major entry point for immigrants to America. Learn about its history and the sources available to document individuals who arrived through this port.

  2. The Dead and the Dying: Cemeteries, Funeral Homes, & Obituaries by Rebecca Whitman Koford
    Get into the spirit of cemetery research by introducing a few superstitions that motivated our ancestors’ understanding of death and the afterlife.
    Next we discuss records of death outside of traditional death certificates, funeral home records, and touch on the importance of finding obituaries.
    Lastly we look at cemeteries and headstone iconography and how to prepare for a visit to the cemetery.

  3. Are You My Grandpa?: Men of the Same Name by Rebecca Whitman Koford
    This lecture is for all of us who discover that their ancestor has a name in common with someone else in their community.
    We discuss techniques for comparing and contrasting the records of these people in order to separate our ancestors with another line.
    Case studies are included throughout the lecture with a focus on Maryland and Baltimore records.

    W H E R E :
    Baltimore County Genealogical Society Library (BCGS)
    The Parkville Senior Center
    Room 308, 3rd Floor   (Elevator available)
    8601 Harford Road, Parkville, MD 21234

    For detailed directions, select this link → https://www.BaltimoreGenealogySociety.org/BCGShome/contact/directions/

    W H E N :
    Saturday, April 29, 9 am – 1 pm
    REGISTRATION: 8:00 a.m.
    Coffee and donuts served

    * * *   L I M I T E D   S E A T I N G   * * *


    • Select → SEMINAR FLIER (HTML format)
    • Or, select the Seminar Flier Image on the right side for a PDF document →
    • Send to the address on the flier or Register at Meeting or Library
    • Cost for Members $10.00
    • Non-members $25.00 which includes a single membership till the end of 2017.


    NON-MEMBERS – Please complete and print an application form by visiting MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION PAGE

    send to: info@baltimoregenealogysociety.org
    Call 410-665-8769

    Debra_Hoffman-BioPic-2012_400x500About Debra Hoffman:
    Debra A. Hoffman has been researching her family history for the past thirty-five years. She has completed the National Genealogical Society s American Genealogy Home Study Course and completed Brigham Young University s Certificate in Family History. Additionally, she has completed Courses 3 (Research in the South, Part I), 4 (Advanced Methodology and Evidence Analysis) and 5 (Writing and Publishing for Genealogists) at the Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research (IGHR) held at Samford University. She also completed Course 3 (Advanced German Research) at the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy. She is a member of numerous genealogical societies as well as the William Winchester Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. (Source: http://www.apgen.org)

    rebeccawhitmankofordAbout Rebecca Whitman Koford:
    Rebecca holds a Certified Genealogist® credential. Her focus is in American research with special emphasis in Maryland. She has been interested in genealogy ever since the age of five, when she could read her parents’ collection of old handwritten family group sheets. Rebecca has been taking clients and lecturing since 2004. She has spoken for the National Genealogical Society Conference, Maryland State Archives, and for groups in Maryland, Virginia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C., and Delaware. She is a board member of the Maryland Genealogical Society and volunteers at the Family History Center in Frederick, Maryland. She has published articles in the NGS Magazine and the Maryland Genealogical Society Journal. She is a graduate of the ProGen Study Group, an online peer-led study program based on the book Professional Genealogy by Elizabeth Shown Mills; she was appointed ProGen Administrator in January 2015. Rebecca is currently very enthusiastic about the Society of Preservation Patriots project sponsored by FGS, an effort to digitize original military records from the National Archives. Rebecca lives in Mt. Airy, Maryland, with three active teenagers and a very patient husband.