A New Look
We have a new look! Be sure to browse the updated Library page.
The next meeting is on Sunday, February 24 at 12:00 p.m. Our guest speaker, Scott Sheads will talk about The Star Spangled Banner. Mr. Sheads is a park ranger with the National Park Service, a noted historian, author and the historic weapons officer at Fort McHenry. His latest book is The War of 1812 on the Chesapeake.
The next Computer Interest Group will discuss finding Baltimore Church records using mapping software.
The April 28 meeting will have Sean Kief & Jeffrey Smith talk about their new book Perry Hall Mansion. This chronicle draws on over 200 years worth of images and personal accounts of surviving residents as well as original source documents. Books will be available for purchase, 50% of the proceeds of the sale will go to the Mansion fund.